Capability building

    Capability building

    Bring the skills and mindsets in-house

    Being customer-centric, collaborative, and socially and environmentally responsible are key goals for many organisations. We provide a range of training, coaching and project support programs to help you increase these mindsets and practices in-house.

    In 2018, Good Design Australia awarded us its top accolade - Good Design of the Year - for building human-centred design capability across Queensland Government.

    Capability building

    Growing in-house design capability benefits from a blend of training, experiential project-based learning and coaching.

    Design courses and programs

    We offer a range of off-the-shelf and bespoke training courses that can be run as awareness-raising sessions for executive, through to multi-day training for practitioners. Popular courses include:

    Upcoming public training courses:

    More on this here

    Blended project teams

    We can work alongside your team to lead or support project work. This apprenticeship model can be scaled to any project duration or budget.

    See the following examples of blended project teams:

    Mentoring and coaching

    Our services include:
    • Support for individuals, teams and leaders navigating barriers to changing the way your organisation works
    • An individual skills assessment and development plan
    • A bundle of hours to redeem over a period of time

    More on this here

    Provocation cards

    Meld's Provocation Cards

    Unlock new perspectives for decision-making and problem solving

    Many years of experience, observation and learning have been articulated into a tool to help you unlock potential, remove barriers and move forward. Why not grab some and experiment? 

    Capability building case studies

    36000 hours of training mentoring and coaching
    Capability building

    36,000 hours of training, mentoring and coaching

    Since 2016 we have spent over 36,000 hours helping thousands of people across Australia, New Zealand, and Asia to learn new skills and ways of working. We have guided groups and individuals, in-person and virtually. Here are some of organisations we've helped.

    Improving CareSouth foster experiences

    Coaching CareSouth to co-design better support for foster carers

    We provided fortnightly coaching sessions to help CareSouth identify and co-create five new ways of improving experiences for foster carers.

    Growing HCD capability across Queensland Government
    Capability building

    Growing HCD capability across Queensland Government

    A collaborative approach, fit-for-purpose toolkit and capability building framework increased awareness and uptake of human-centred design practices across Queensland Government.

    Good Design Award

    Coaching the Australian Bureau of Statistics to deliver digital services
    Capability building

    Coaching the Australian Bureau of Statistics to deliver digital services

    The ABS is on a journey to become a human-centred organisation, with the aim of delivering better services for the people of Australia. Meld Studios is supporting ABS with this ambition. It is a multi-year journey that has started with building in-house design skills and coaching teams as they navigate a range of projects.

    Mentoring government staff in human-centred design mindsets
    Capability building

    Mentoring government staff in human-centred design mindsets

    We helped NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) staff to better understand their customers’ experiences, needs, motivations and goals, with an aim to designing better environmental services, offers and interventions.

    Curious how we can help? Lets chat.