customer experience

The Scale of Service Design

As we introduce ourselves to new colleagues and potential clients, we are constantly reflecting on how we describe the work we do. How do we get people from zero to 60, understanding what we mean by service design and what that means for them or...

Showrooming – presentation to Designing for Mobility 2013

Last Friday I presented a short talk at the Designing for Mobility 2013 conference, held in Melbourne. The talk - Showrooming: threat and opportunity - looked at the emerging pattern of shoppers using physical retail outlets as a showroom, and subsequently price-comparing and purchasing online. Whilst...

Building your brand with humility and grace – T2 Tea

As an organiser of a few different design conferences I'm always on the alert for interesting people to have speak to various audiences. In that capacity I found myself reading through the story on the founding of T2 on their website. The story centres on the...

Some of the ideas you won’t hear from me this week…

I'm very frustrated right now, having just received an email telling me that my presentation at a conference on customer self-service has to be cancelled due to a contractual conflict with the conference sponsor. I had been asked at short notice - last Monday - to...

Innovation in customer experience

The experience delivered by a product or service can be a source of competitive advantage and business value through innovation. Experience designers – using the empathy they generate with customers during primary research, and the understanding of the customers’ broad context ...