
Four ways to improve how Government engages with citizens

There are strong aspirations from people in Government to work more collaboratively with citizens. The ​IAP2 public participation spectrum​ is cited in policy and strategy as a model for engaging communities and increasing public impact. The spectrum is a useful frame to describe the current...

Team winning Good Design Gold Award

Meld Studios awarded Gold at Good Design Awards 2019

Meld Studios is excited to receive a prestigious Good Design Award Gold accolade in the Service Design category this year, our 5th Good Design Award so far. Meld Studios worked with Sydney Metro and Transport for NSW to pioneer a human-centred approach toward transport planning. Using...

Why pay experts when you have customers?

Rebecca Hendry, Principal at Meld Studios, spoke ASIC deputy chair Peter Kell at the Financial Capability Community of Practice event in September on the topic of why a human-centred approach matters. Following the event, she wrote an article for Financial Capability on taking a human-centred approach to...