What designers can learn from ethnography

This post will not give you methods and approaches to walk away with and apply to your work. Instead, it is a story about my experience at the Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference (EPIC) 2016 and how it confronted how I see my role as...

Visual Thinking workshop (Sydney)

In our work as designers and facilitators we think and communicate visually. Over the past year we have been running series of workshops on service design and journey mapping and kept getting asked – how are you able to visualise so well? We reflected on...

Want to communicate visually? Build a Visual Library.

Showing is more effective than telling. Here’s why. Being able to think and communicate visually is a core skill of our job as designers and facilitators. Communicating visually does not mean creating elaborate artworks that look like the real thing. What we practice at Meld is...

Reconnecting with creativity

  Do you remember what it was like to be a kid? We didn’t have the answers to everything so we needed to figure it out. Not knowing what the ‘right thing’ was never limited how we experienced and understood the world. Earlier in the year, I...

Visualising a story

Since joining Meld Studios as a designer I have helped build and create current and future state maps, road maps and sketches that communicate abstract concepts, processes and interactions. The maps I have worked on help organisations see the ‘50-foot view’ of their organisation: who...