Reflections on 2011
2011 has been an exciting year for Meld Studios. The following are some of the highlights of the year.
1) We are twice as big as we were last year
Not that size is everything and at this time of year this is generally the kind of reflection that initiates massive dietary correction for the new year, but in this case it is all good. We started the year as 4 and we end it as 8 (plus).
The arrivals of Jono, Kimberley, Alison and Santiago throughout the year have bolstered our numbers, and added breadth, depth and capacity to what we offer our clients.
Our full-time staff were augmented by our extended network of experienced designers and interns including Katie, Alex M, Alex C, Nick and Dom.
2) We moved to a new studio
As anyone that experienced our King Street space will atest, it was far too small for us even when we were 4, at 6 it was painful and by the time we were 8 it was quite frankly ridiculous.
We were very, very happy to move to our new studio in August.
Thanks to all that attended our open house in December. If you’re in the neighbourhood you are more than welcome to join us. Just buzz.
3) People have been dropping in
Talking of dropping in, we have been very pleased by all the folks who’ve taken us up on the offer. Please keep coming back!
4) We have been doing great and interesting work
It is one of my great regrets that we are unable to talk publicly about so much of the work we’ve been doing. The past year has seen us tackling challenges as diverse as:
- informing the design of new services
- helping an organisation create a shared service vision for an existing product
- increasing activation rates for a financial product
Those that have gone to market are having a very positive impact both for customers and businesses. We hope to be able to talk a lot more about what we’ve been doing in the very near future.
5) We have been all over the world talking, presenting and meeting new clients
2011 has also been a year of considerable travel. As part of the deal of working at Meld, all staff get to attend an overseas conference every year. This year has seen us attend conferences in the US, Holland, Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia.
In addition we’ve spoken at events in Australia x 2, US x 3, London, Hong Kong, Singapore and probably some others that I am forgetting.
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