Meld Studios awarded Australia’s top Good Design award

[caption id="attachment_4903" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Credit: Good Design Awards[/caption] Meld Studios and Queensland Government’s One Stop Strategy and Implementation Office won the Good Design Award® of the Year for the Growing Human-Centred Design Across Queensland Government project.  The winning project aims to embed human-centred design across Queensland Government...

Service design workshops in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane & Wellington in July – August

We will be running our popular series of service design workshops in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane in July, and Wellington, NZ in August. These workshops will immerse you in human centred design, design thinking and service design. The workshops in each city are spread across three days. You...

What makes a city liveable?

The 10th Liveable Cities conference was held on 10-11 July 2017 in Brisbane. The focus was on making cities more healthy for the people who live, play, visit, and work in them. There were four strong themes which emerged from the presentations I attended. Making community engagement more...

2017: A year in review

What a year 2017 has been! This year we have had the incredible opportunity to partner with many public, private, nonprofit and government organisations, making workplaces more human-centred and together tackling complex business challenges using human-centred design. Together we have done work that has the...

Design is a life long apprenticeship

Alexandra Almond breaks down the Service Design Now 2017 conference, asks some important questions and in the process introduces us to some of Melbourne’s leading service design practitioners. The Service Design Now 2017 conference was fabulous, the speakers talented, and I left with more questions than answers....